What is the BCATA

The British Columbia
Acupressure Therapists’ Association

write to:
P.O. Box 8143   Victoria    BC   V8W 3R8
or send e-mail to:
[email protected]

Voice mail: (250) 704-2888

The British Columbia Acupressure Therapists’ Association is a Professional Association of Acupressure Instructors, Practitioners and Students.


  • To increase the public’s awareness of acupressure.
  • To maintain high ethical standards within the acupressure profession through a strong Constitution.
  • To facilitate the exchange of knowlege and support among our members.
  • To promote the establishment of laws and codes that recognize and support the acupressure profession.
  • To actively oppose legislation that is not in accordance with the above.
  • To promote the visibility of our membership through a publicly available list of Practitioners, Teachers, Clinics and Schools.


  • Membership networking and the development of a strong association with other acupressurists.
  • Members have the opportunity to gather together twice a year, including our Summer Retreat on Lasqueti Island and our combined Conference and Annual General Meeting, and share ideas, knowledge, wisdom, experiences, sessions…
  • Members receive our quarterly newsletter: “THE PRESSURE RELEASE”
  • Members are added to our public list of “Practitioners” and “Teachers” made available through our Web Page.
  • Members in good standing receive a BCATA Certificate of Membership showing the level of accreditation in the Acupressure profession.
  • Access to the Membership email list for a modest fee to send out Course Offerings.
  • Empowerment package for marketing acupressure services.
  • Downloadable public Jin Shin Do brochure.
  • Downloadable Client Intake and Human Body Graphic Treatment forms.
  • Web Bulletin Boards to communicate with the membership.
  • Password protected JSD Forum for sharing treatment information.
  • Links to Acupressure articles and pertinent Web sites.